hobbyDB now has more than 800,000 items in our database and 651,000 members who own more than 51 million items in their online collections. It's the perfect community to introduce your collectible brand to.
Direct links allow brands to list your items for sale and have them link directly back to your website.
Our team (or your team) can add a direct link to any item listed for sale to the corresponding For Sale Item page on your site. We can work out pricing with you or utilize your existing Affiliate Scheme (see more affiliate information below. Here is an example from Lego -
This link placement is above the fold, and shows your logo and the price of the item, and would get a substantial amount of impressions from our Community.
Buyers can also see that there is an item listed for sale on the Search Results page -
Are you already part of an affiliate program?
Let us know which one by inviting our hobbyDB account as a publisher for your account. We have a minimum 10% partner fee to participate in this program. Below is a list of programs that we can work with (and we are happy to add more if you use a different one).
Shopping Software based ones -
Affiliate For WooCommerce
Others -
Kickstarter -
Contact us if you have more questions.
Don't have an affiliate scheme?
Don't want to join one of the above listed schemes? We can charge a monthly subscription, just contact us for a rate!