With a powerful Community of more than 640,000 members who own more than 50 million items in their hobbyDB collections, we want to help your local storefront get more exposure.
Join our Local Directory
Over the years, we've been asked by so many people to offer some sort of Directory listing for museums, retailers, and events. And now we have it! This is super helpful for our collectors especially when they are traveling and want to find the nearest/coolest place where they can add to their collections. The directory will include a description of your store, your location, as many photos and captions as you like, contact details, and your hours of operation.
It's super easy to join the Local Directory.
- Create a free hobbyDB account and send your username to stores@hobbydb.com. We will set up a privilege for you to be able to add your information and will send you instructions on how to do so.
- Add your information to our online form and you'll be live!
- Single Location
If you are based in Canada or the United States, the annual cost is $30 per listing. But for the first 100 stores that sign up, it's free just email us stores@hobbydb.com
If you are outside of Canada or the United States, the listing is free.
- Multiple Locations
Please contact stores@hobbydb.com for custom pricing and other promotional opportunities.
Reach out to us at stores@hobbydb.com if you have any questions and are ready to get started!