We accept submissions of direct or private sales that happen outside of our normal sources for Price Points for potential inclusion as Price Points after review and verification by the hobbyDB team. Because of our limited resources, we generally only consider private sales of $1,000 or more. We may also consider sales less than $1,000 if the item is particularly rare and if there are few opportunities to find Price Points from other sources.

If you have documentation of a transaction that you would like to submit, please fill out our new submission form! Please include a link to the item's database entry on hobbyDB or PPG and as much detail about the sale as you can. The more documentation you can provide, the better. Publicly available videos, news articles, or photos are all good options. Ideally, we will have access to all of the following information:

  • Transaction date.
  • Both the buyer's and seller's names and contact information.
  • Price paid.
  • As many photos as possible, ideally showing all sides of the item to prove the item is in near-mint or mint condition. Video showing the condition is even better.
  • Contact information for a third party who can confirm the transaction took place.

These submissions will be individually reviewed by a team of hobbyDB staff and select, trusted Squad members for verification before being accepted into the Price Guide as Price Points.

Once reviewed and verified, the Price Point will be added to the Price Guide and calculated into the item's Estimated Value within 24 hours.