Your hobbyDB Showcase displays your collection statistics, including the overall Estimated Value, your top 10 most valuable items, and more.
Collection Statistics
You will also find some stats on your overall collection, including how many Collectibles you have, your collection's total Estimated Value, and an Estimated Value history chart in the My Collection section on your Showcase:
Estimated Value
One of the most commonly referenced collection statistics is the overall Estimated Value:
Note: If you do not want to share your Estimated Value publicly, you can make it private in your account settings.
The Estimated Value is based on the total number of items in your collection, including items listed for sale on the hobbyDB Marketplace, which have Estimated Values of their own.
Remember that all of the values on hobbyDB are estimates of the value of near-mint / mint items, so if items in your collection are in less than near-mint condition or are out of box, take that into account when viewing your collection's Estimated Value.
Since we're constantly adding new data to hobbyDB, some of your collectibles might not have Estimated Values yet. The Valued Collectibles number to the left of your collection's Estimated Value shows how many items in your collection have Estimated Values. If that number is lower than the total number of items in your collection, we'd love to invite you to join our Volunteer Squad to help add data to the Price Guide!
There are three icons next to the Estimated Value—an orange "i", a black clock, and a green chart:
Hovering over or tapping the orange "i" icon shows more information about the Top 10 Estimated Value calculation and clicking or tapping the green chart icon will bring up a chart showing how your Top 10's Estimated Value has changed over time:
The Estimated Value is automatically recalculated about once every 24 hours. You can hover over or tap the black clock icon to see the time of the last calculation:
Manual Recalculation
You can also manually trigger an Estimated Value recalculation by clicking the blue Recalculate button:
The button will turn gray after being clicked and will be disabled, becoming available again after 12 hours. It will take a few minutes for your stats to recalculate, possibly longer if the server load is high.
If you would like the ability to recalculate the value of your collection at any time, become a hobbyDB Premium member.
Other Collection Stats
The My Collection section also shows some other stats:
- Gains and Losses - With a hobbyDB Premium membership, you can track the percentage change in the value of your items in your collection based on what you originally paid.
Click on the Collection Management option under the My Stuff Tab. You’ll find your Gains/Loses on items in your collection that you’ve added a Price Paid for.
These lists are customizable via the filters located on the right side with options such as Gains/Loses %, Location and others. You can also download a list of all items that have increased or decreased in value here as a CSV (the same way the existing Premium feature of exporting your complete collection works). - Collectibles is the total number of collectibles you own, including items you have listed for sale on the hobbyDB Marketplace. Each collectible is counted, whether it's an individual entry or a quantity entry.
For example, this member has two entries of the green 2022 Hot Wheels Volkswagen Beetle in their collection:
One of the collectible entries is listed as having a quantity of 3 and the other is just a solo collectible. The total quantity of four is counted in the collection stats. (Prior to 6 March 2023, only individual entries were counted, so the member's stats would have only counted two of this item). - Wish List is the number of items on your Wish List.
- For Sale is the number of different Database Items you listed for sale.
Top 10
A fun statistic is the 10 most valuable items in your collection. You can find the Top 10 list below the My Collection section:
The items' Estimated Values are recalculated daily if new Price Points have been added. There are three icons at the bottom right corner of the list:
Hovering over or tapping the orange "i" icon shows more information about the Top 10 Estimated Value calculation, and hovering over or tapping the black clock icon shows when the overall value was last calculated. Clicking or tapping the green chart icon will bring up a chart showing how your Top 10's Estimated Value has changed over time:
Future Plans
We have plans for several improvements to collection stats:
- Add more collection stats, including showing statistics for your sub-collections if you created Lists for them.
- Have the "My Collection" Recalculate button recalculate more than just the Estimated Value.
- Send a notification when the recalculation is complete.
- Add a Recalculate button to the Top 10 list.
- And more!
If you have ideas for other stats or features you'd like to see on your Showcase, feel free to let us know with the green "Contact" button at the top of the page!