This article helps our Volunteer Squad keep the database clean and consistent! It pertains to members who have Creator access and above. If you're interested in getting involved, read more about joining the Squad here. We'd love to have you aboard!

Variants and Subvariants are important aspects of hobbyDB that allow users to add and view the same item with small differences. Part of the variant toolset is connecting Variants and Subvariants. This allows those with Creator level and above to tie multiple Variants and Subvariants together for easier viewing and cataloging.

The Tutorial 

And the same to read:

A step-by-step guide to varianting two database items:

  1. In the Curator Menu click on Manage Database Items.

  2. Go to the Filter section on the right side of the page. Enter the item that you are searching to match as variants in the Search all Database Items box.

  3. Scroll to the bottom and click the Filter button (blue button).

  4. Scroll through the list and find two variant items (the same item, but slight differences).

  5. On the left side column toggle both item buttons to show green.

  6. Scroll back to the top, look on the far left and pull down the Batch Action tab. Click on Create Variants (or Subvariants).

  7. Variants will appear side-by-side, click on only one of the Retain Variant Title / Description buttons.

  8. Click Confirm Variants (or Subvariants) on the bottom left side of the page.

  9. Return back to your variant search and notice that both items have a "2," showing that they are linked as variants.

  10. Click on one of the item links to go to the item's database page. You can see under the item name that there are two variants.

  11. Click on the variant link to see both items on one page.

If a database entry doesn't exist for a known variant you can learn how to add it here.

Guidelines for Varianting:

  1. Generally it should be easy to see the difference even on small images on a phone. If the differences are too small to be visible in a small thumbnail image, it might be better to make the item a Subvariant instead.

  2. The official item name should be used for both variants. See Names & Alternative Names for our naming standards. If there are no official titles you can add the difference in the Name or Alternative name (as in a XYZ Pin and a YZ Staff Pin).

  3. Variants can (and often do) have different reference numbers or UPCs.

  4. Some items can have hundreds of variants. Take for example the infamous Hot Wheels Dairy Delivery.

If you have questions about how or when to variant, feel free to ask about it in our Volunteer Squad Facebook group!