On hobbyDB, we take your privacy seriously. For some, their collection is sacred, and they are using collection management purely for their own enjoyment. While for others, they'd like to shared the details of their collection with the world. We've created a system that allows both personas to manage their collections the way they want. 

What's Public & Private?

Each of you Collectibles have a Privacy setting that can be set to "Public," "For Trade," or "Private." By default, items added to your collection have their Privacy set to "Public." 

Collectibles set to "Public" or "For Trade" are viewable on your Showcase. Others can navigate to your Showcase and see these items there. Default items in your collection will look like this:


On your Showcase (the difference between your Collection and Showcase is explained here), these items will appear like this:

Setting Items as Private

If you wish to set any of your items as private, and therefore, not viewable on your Showcase do this:

  1. Go to My Stuff > Collection Management.

  2. Find the items you wish to make private and click Actions, then Edit to go to the Edit Collectible page.

  3. Scroll down until you see Privacy dropdown menu. Select from the list which privacy level you'd like to set the item to, then click Save at the bottom of the page.

If you have several items that you want to change the privacy on, you can change up to 50 at a time with a Batch Action. 

(By default, Collection Management shows 30 items on a page but can set it to display up to 50 on a page with the Per Page dropdown at the bottom left corner of the page.)

Simply select the items you want to change, click the Batch Actions button at the top left, click Change Privacy, select one of the privacy options, then click Save