We equip all of our sellers with tools to help them succeed on our marketplace. These tools live on the home page of your Seller Dashboard under the "Seller Tools" section.
Here is where you as a seller can change anything and everything regarding you as a seller on our marketplace: PayPal email, phone number, where you ship from, how quick a buyer can expect you to ship, any default shipping notes or away messages, password, and any notification settings.
Using the manage coupons tool, you can create, edit, and delete coupons specific to the items you have for sale. Your buyers are going to love this!

Once created, you can edit or delete the coupon code(s) using the "Actions" button dropdown.
Mass discounts more your speed? Not a problem! Our mass discount tool allows you to create one big discount that spans across all of your listed for sale items. Clear these discounts at any time by clicking the "Clear All Discounts" button.
NOTE: Only one mass discount can be applied at a time.
There are separate Help Articles for Shipping Costs and Shipping Zone Caps.