A free tool, forever

Welcome to hobbyDB, your personal collecting resource for diecast, vinyl art, and any other collectibles! The hobbyDB project aims to catalog every collectible ever made, making it the ultimate reference for collectors of all kinds.

As a team we had a vision for a free resource that documented everything, bringing together data on the most popular—and the most obscure and so far undocumented—collectibles ever made. Why did we want to do this? So we could preserve it all for posterity, providing free and accurate information to everyone! With many detailed data points on each and every item, it’s easy for anybody to expand their collectibles knowledge with hobbyDB—whether you’re a museum curator or a beginner just trying to find out more about an item you found at a yard sale.

In fact, hobbyDB is built with the community in mind—not only is it a free resource for the public, but the project is powered by the collecting community itself! Collectors from all around the world share our vision of what hobbyDB can achieve and have pledged to help ensure the database remains as accurate as possible for everyone that uses it by contributing their time, help, and knowledge.

With that said, we need as much help as we can get. If you’d like to dedicate a small amount of time to improving a few pages on your favorite collectibles, it would not only enhance the database for everyone else’s viewing pleasure, but you’d also be joining a cooperative of collectors who want to give this free tool back to the collecting world.

But if hobbyDB is a free information resource, why are collectibles being sold on the site? Well, we aren’t selling anything ourselves, but having a sales platform covers the not-inconsiderable cost of paying the bills so that hobbyDB can keep running forever, and so our developers can keep building awesome new features for the site.

So if you care about the spread and preservation of quality information, join the band of thousands in helping power the largest collectibles database in the world!