We generally prefer for new members to learn the site by first learning the site as a Contributor and then moving up to Creator before becoming a Curator.
That being said, if you have deep domain knowledge and an interest in a specific brand, series, designer, character, auto race or any other type of Subject and would like to curate that page right away, let us know!
Besides adding new items and prices themselves, Curators check new Database Items added to their Subjects for completeness and accuracy and then verify them. They can also verify Subjects (say a series made by the brand they curate or individual year entries for a racing series they curate).
You can search for Subjects curated or not yet curated in the Subject search -
You can also see if a Subject has Curators on the Subject page itself. On mobile, click More below the Description to see the Curators box, which will either show the names of the Subject's Curators, or will show an invitation to become a Curator. (On desktop, this box is below the filters on the left hand side of the page.)
If the Subject has one or more Curators:
If the Subject has no Curators: