At hobbyDB, we want to ensure our community members can easily list items for sale at a fraction of the price. Sometimes we get asked what the key differences are between selling with hobbyDB and selling with eBay. We're here to explain!

Who gets paid?eBay, then youYou
Who owns the customer?eBayYou
What does it cost?10% + Finance Fee + Other FeesOnly 5%* + Finance Fee
Example: Fees on $50 sale
Seller Friendly?Hell NoYes
Can power your very own website?NoYes
Ease of listingAverageIf item is in the database: Super fast!
If not: Average to slow, but we'll help!

Who gets paid?

It's your business, so shouldn't you have full control of it? Instead of having to wait for eBay to release payment to you, we utilize a direct PayPal checkout so that you get paid immediately when a buyer checks out.

Who owns the Customer?

You work hard to gain loyal customers, so you should be able to target them for future campaigns and sales. Unlike eBay, we share the customer name and email with you so you have full ownership of your lead list.

What does it cost?

We know you have a lot of selling alternatives out there, so we work hard to ensure selling on hobbyDB is super affordable. We charge a 5% Partner Fee on any completed sale. 

Seller Friendly

We know that there is nothing worse than a buyer trying to scam one of our sellers. Instead of choosing profits over fairness, we ensure that bad buyers are sought out and blocked from making purchases on the hobbyDB marketplace.

Can power your very own website

Not only do we have a full-fledged storefront solution, we also offer our sellers the ability to have their own website complete with a database and marketplace of their own items. Sellers who have their own domain can forward their site domain to their hobbyDB storefront, maintaining the ultimate branding customization. You can see some examples at and

Easy to List

Since hobbyDB is powered by a database, listing is often as easy as searching for your item in the database, uploading your custom photo, and clicking List. If the item hasn't been added to the database, we'll help add it so you can list it faster in the future.